Friday, 2 June 2017

Catas in the two-year period 2017-2018: outlook and planning

Saturday, 22 April 2017

Transportation of polymerising substances

With the entering into force of the new regulations on the move­ment of dangerous goods (ADR, RID, IMDG), a new type of dange­rous substances has been included in class 4.1, i.e. polymerising substances.
With this new type of dangerous go­ods, the concept of self-accelerating polymerisation temperature (SAPT) has been introduced, meaning the lo­west temperature at which the polyme­risation of a substance may occur in the packaging, IBC or tank as delivered for transport.
Without stabilisation, polymerising substances are liable to undergo an intense exothermic reaction resulting in the formation of larger molecules or polymers under normal conditions of transportation.

Further details on the goods’ proper­ties are included in the issue 208 of Vdl and in the new IMDG Re­gulations, amendment 38-16.

Tuesday, 18 April 2017

High performance waterborne coatings for resistant and good looking wooden floors

Milesi is a brand of IVM multinational group, one of the largest and most im­portant in Europe and in the world spe­cialised in wood coatings. XILO1934 chooses, for its floors, Milesi products since the early 2000s, when decided to produce prefinished wooden floors with low environmental impact waterborne coatings. For Milesi company this long collabo­ration is an important merit of its rese­archers and engineers’ ability to inter­pret and meet the changing needs of XILO1934, always interested to achieve aesthetic, chemical and physical surfa­ce resistances at high quality levels, re­specting environmental sustainability, by proposing to the market new and always more innovative solutions. Thus it was born the new UV waterborne finish DGC4A017, with extraordinary clearness and resistance to yellowing. This finish allows to maxi­mize the aesthetic quality both of deco­ration and of the wood essences used by XILO1934, giving the wooden floor a very high resistance to scratches and cleaning products. Furthermore, it guarantees very low resi­dual emissions of volatile organic com­pounds (VOC), a few grams per m2, very popular to XILO1934: over large surfa­ces, such as floors, any improvement on reducing emissions has a significant impact on the quality of the housing en­vironment.