Saturday 25 March 2017

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The industrial coating plant for the 4.0 industry

The 4.0 Industry, a "brand" invented by Germans and now transposed from common language, defines the evolution of production systems, with the arrival of intelligent machines, interconnected and connected to Internet, and provides the basis for some development hypothesis. Is the painting industry ready for the 4.0 Industry challenge?
To answer this question, we heard the opinion of the three Anver’s vice-presidents:
  • Pietro Bucci of Verniciatura Moderna, based in Burago Molgora (MB) 
  • Alberto Trinca of Painting, in Rome
  • Massimo V. Malavolti, of Industrial Coating and Recubrimientos Industriales 
The meeting with key industry specialists wants to build a coating system limited to investment and operation costs, that does not create more products to be disposed of, whose operations are all automatic, driven by an interconnected computer, that consumes as little energy as possible, to reduce to a minimum the time-cycle, which occupies the least possible space in the company, which transforms the line worker in a maintenance and assistance technical for the system: which is a “4.0 plant”. The opinion of Italian specialists is positively directed to the era of interconnection between thought and action. Their considerations, once industrialized, will improve business economy, which could move from "linear" (which produce and discard by-products), to "circular" (with recovery, recycling or not producing of by-products, currently created in the industrial coating).


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