Friday 26 May 2017

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Italian powder coating's production in 2016

According to Anver’s coaters the Italian powder’s production relaunch seems to be once again postponed, due to the only slight increase in 2016’s amount, compared to the 2015’s one, already reduced a lot compared to the extraordinary amount of the 2005-2006 anti-recession period, that ranked Italy as the world’s third largest producer after China and the US (China has always been the first, currently with an annual 1,850 million tons production). Powder coating’s users and manufacturers are however satisfied, because the negative trend of recent years has stopped and everything leads us to believe that the new revitalization initiatives promoted by the association can be useful for a new production development (Ecocoatech 2017 exhibition and conference in Milan, from May 17 to 22, and Powder/ecoCoating from 6th to 8th june, in Bilbao, Spain; Industrial Coating’s special issues dedicated to regions, such as the December 2016 Puglia Special; sectoral conferences - Samover in Verona and Innover 1 and 2 in Milan).


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