Tuesday, 24 April 2018

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When you visit Euroverniciatura plant, you can immediately notice a technical-cultural growth of this subcontracting company.
This growth is undoubtedly due to the company entrepreneurs’will (Pietro Cersosimo and Chiara Guarda),who are focused on many factors, in particular on investements for innovative equipment- such as powder coating booth- cutting-edge plants and nanotechnology-based chemical process.
The company continuously integrates the innovations that gradually are industrialized in the market ( it integrated nanotechnologies into the pre-treatment tunnel, applied by spraying): currently a revolutionary equipment for color change by Siver Nordson has been installed .
It is a simple process ( real innovations are simple to use but are the result of in-depth studies and research, before being developed and industrialized), and that we describe below.
Euroverniciatura coating is very efficient, starting from the pre-treatment and the innovations introduced in the powder coatings booth, which, by itself, has undoubtedly raised the technical level of the company.

With this plant the coating cycle is complete, by assuring a high quality level, starting from- after the items’loading on the conveyor- the surface preparation with appropriate nanotechnology-based pre-treatement,up to the application of powder coatings finish in various colours /per day.
Our investements’ goal – tell us Pietro Cersosimo- is competitivity .Our offer, for Italian and European customers, has a high quality level and fast delivery,according to cycles, colours, and items’customisation.
The color change,its speed, is a strategic competitive factor.
For this reason we choose the innovative “powder area” by Siver Nordson, that in 90 seconds allows the colour change -underlines Pietro Cersosimo -a real “revolution” we have been waiting for long.

After the nanotechnology-based pre-treatment spraying and subsequent drying, the items reach the large powder coatings booth , equipped with a so called “powder area”, to distinguish it from the traditional “powder centre” that takes from 3 to 5 minute for the colour change (5 minutes from dark colour to light ones).

“Powder area”,consists of Top Color Change HD Dual, by Siver Nordson,equipped with two independent boxes of fluidified powder coatings. With this configuration, during the coating phase, a box feed the spray-guns while the other one is ready to apply the next colour.
During the change colour phase the system goes from a box to the other in less than 90 seconds, by cleaning simultaneously powder coatings tubes and all spray- guns used.
The system manages automatically the distributor tubes in a very precise way allowing to rightly positioning themselves.The operator must only follows the simple instructions on the HMI screen.
After the colour change, the coating cycles restarts with the new colour,an automated process allows the unloading and the cleaning of the box used before so it is ready for a new colour.
A curing oven and the loading/unloading items area integrate the large coating plant.

 “We invite you so that the readers of Verniciatura Industriale could know all the innovations which currently could improve powder coating process” ends Pietro Cersosimo.
By replacing the traditional “Powder Centre” with Top Color Change HD Dual we improved on line productivity and we fully automated a phase very unpleasant for plant’s operator.
All cycle times are optimised as in our painting line where we mainly paint trucks’chassis.
We are very satisfied- ended Pietro Cersosimo:actually our offer is more competitive, also in terms of delivery time.
A great effort by our company , but the results obtained are excellent.


  1. Thanks for sharing this info!
    You could use Elcometer to check for coating quality
