Tuesday, 24 April 2018

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Coaters of manufactured plastic items must comply always stricter laws about solvent emission reduction, and they are very worried about investment cost necessary to purchase after burners available on the market (nowadays called thermal oxidisers). They must consider also to spend more resources to incinerate solvents as eventual downtimes (or in case of low concentration of emitted solvents) it is compulsory to fuel the thermal oxidiser with methane gas in order to keep temperature since Vocs coming from the booth are very low.
Came (Bussero, Milano, Italia), a company specialised in plants for solvents abatement through self-generating actived carbons, through an innovate technology developed by Ezio Crespi, the main expert in this sector. 
HT company (Cherasco, Cuneo, Italia) installed this kind of plant to abate solvents: in the area where the company operates the emission limit is 50 mg Nm3/h, the plant does not emit more than 5 mg/h (it treats 40.000 Nm3/h of polluted air coming from the booth and the curing oven)
The cost investment is less than 50% compared to a traditional thermal treatment system, and the management costs are between 50 and 100 euro monthly.
The enterprise coats plastic components for the Italian automotive industry. 
The VOC treatment plant through activated carbons is very simple ant very smart at the same time:
-          The fumes emitted by the booth and the oven (the plant treats 40.000 Nm3/h of polluted prior to filtration) are canalised to the plant
-          Vocs are absorbed by activated carbons that once saturated, are regenerated with stream vapours obtained from stripped solvents combustion.


The solvents abatement of the coating plants, for those who are forced to use solvent-based coatings is not a productive step but compulsory to comply polluting emissions with parameters prescribed by law. 
So those who coat must evaluate the abatement plant operational capacity; to reduce to minimum the investment cost and the operational cost: plant developed by Crespi and manufactured by CAME is a really efficient solution.


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