Saturday 18 March 2017

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Adapta Color presents the French architects and designers the new catalog A16

Adapta Color continues the communication and information activities to architects presenting the new catalog A16 during ArchiCreativ ', the exchange lounge between professionals and companies which took place in the prestigious setting of the majestic times of "Cathedral" salon, built on the previous ruins of Trocadero’s hills, site of the Cité de l'Architecture et du Patrimoine’s museum, in Paris.

Victor Manuel Diaz and Mathieu Dutheil, sales managers of the French market, have in fact presented to the architects and designers, who visited the salon and participated in different stages of training, the powder-based coating collections Dichroic, Patina and Vivendi, specially designed for architecture and design. The salon has attracted many professionals because it has created valuable connections, being present some of the most prestigious international companies in the field of materials for architecture, which presented innovative products and materials.


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