Sunday 19 March 2017

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Sharing, updating and participation in building a shared future

For the celebration of Noxorsokem group’s 33 years of success and growth in the regional, national and European industrial context, has been organized an evening full of ideas, including speeches by Fulvio Truant and Alessandro Manera, who have dealt in detail the theme of "nanotechnology pre-treatment’s innovation", a deepening about the economic and technical advantages for users. A conference, a deepening but also a lively moment of dialogue between qualified workers, who have profited with interest of every issue that the evening could offer.
 Danilo Callegari’s contribution, expert in extreme sports, completed the event: affectionate testimonials of Noxorsokem group, who has recently returned from an amazing expedition in Nepal that has seen him conquer the summit of Mount Manaslu (8,163 meters). Finally, the pleasure of a dinner with all the participants gave the opportunity for guests (customers, technicians and company’s staff) to confront each other professionally and also give space to beautiful moments of joy and abandon that sealed a very successful conference.

These appointments will be repeated in the course of 2017 with the aim of offering Noxorsokem group’s customers an opportunity to keep abreast of new technologies and their applications, and allow everyone to create relationships and availability between who operates in a market which is rapidly changing but, we like to think, still tied to the healthy values ​​of mutual respect and esteem.


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