Wednesday 22 March 2017

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Coating flat out in difficult times: Girardini’s recipe in productive investments

Girardini, based in Tione di Trento, is one of the leading domestic manufacturers of components for appliances, automotive, lighting, heating, indoor, cold for supermarkets, leisure time and more. Being a company of remarkable success, Girardini provides its customers with many types of sheet metal processing. 

Anver wanted to verify in situ the advantages of the innovations installed by Eurosider, the company based in Grosseto which provided the interesting use of nitrogen solution, instead of compressed air, as the carrier fluid in the pipes powder to the guns, for the implementation of the coating line: Polifluid. Since the plant is located on the border of the Adamello-Brenta Park, the attention to the environment is a predominant part of company policy. For this reason, they have also completed the gasification process of the whole company and developed a system of rain water conveyance in a separator basin, and installed a photovoltaic system, useful to cover 20% of their annual energy needs.


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