Friday 7 April 2017

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Smc Group at Ligna 2017: solid and growing Group Great confidence in the future of the entire industry

SCM Group participates in Ligna 2017 as a solid Group that has great confidence in the future of the entire industry.
And as a world industry leader, SCM Group is getting ready for the event knowing full well that – thanks to the high technological level it has reached – it is more than able to offer its clients applicable "Industry 4.0" solutions. Practical solutions made possible by an ever growing data collection and analysis, to facilitate greater control over produc­tion quality and quantity, from technological and IT development of in­dividual machines to improving their ability to operate in cells and cell systems. Specifically, at Ligna 2017, on its enormous stand in Hall 13, the Group will display a cell system combined with robot, able to pro­vide a concrete implementation of the "mass customisation" concept, all in order to meet all customer-specific needs, while maintaining the advantages of industrial production.

Will be also utilized an effective multimedia system which, using two large vi­deo walls (6x3.40m), offers a virtual view of machines and their techno­logies. Visitors, therefore, can benefit from this system to actually view the machines from "inside" them. A virtual experience that exceeds the actual one, providing an additional advantage to customers.


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