Monday 3 April 2017

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Waterborne coating: an important choice when we talk about ennobling wood

The seventh edition of "Ope­rae", the independent design festival, the event in Turin that promotes the dialogue between design, craft and business, we have recently experienced, gives us the opportunity to speak about a subject particularly important for us: the virtuosity of those companies that use just waterbor­ne coatings.
During the event we had the plea­sure to meet and talk with Stefano Pasquale, president of Minusieri company (agency that directly comes from the ancient, homo­nymous carpenters of "minute" University) and owner, together with his father and founder Giu­seppe Pasquale, of GP Woodfini­shing in Turin.

The company deals with the coa­ting of the furniture made by the carpenter, constantly trying to en­noble wood as much as possible. And it is precisely in the name of this admirable goal that GP Wo­odfinishing started to use exclu­sively Adler waterborne coatings, technical sponsor of the event as a supplier of the products used to coat the two furniture showed (a separè and a hutch) made with the cooperation between Zaven studio in Venice (which designed them), and Minusieri company (and especially GP Woodfinishing, which coated them).


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