Tuesday 25 April 2017

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A journey through colours different meanings

Colour, a word with multiple meanings, then what is the colour? For primitive man there was only one color, the red, which was used to embellish paintings in caves and throughout antiquity the only colors worthy of the name were white, black and red. We find evidence even in folk tales: Snow White receives a red apple from a black witch, the crow drops a piece of white cheese into the mouth of a red fox, etc. But why all this? It can not only be linked to the colour availability, rather than the quality of the colour’s yield . The main reason is that the color first of all is a symbol. Red has a stronger value because it recalls two basic elements of human life: fire and blood. It is precisely for this reason that this color is related to religion and power. Only with the reform of Luther blue will become again the color of barbarians, the infidels, the reformists precisely because considered more sober and moderate. Red and blue are continuing on two parallel streets without entering into touch, changing meaning: from religion to politics, from recognition code to psychoanalytic code. Through the ages, the blue wins on  red, the favorite color of Westerners. And we find it  anywhere, the United Nations logo, the European flag, blue jeans and more. In the meantime, however, colors are multiplied, each with its own meaning. So why not try to apply these mechanisms in choosing colors for objects and buildings? A lamp can be black, a television may have the matte red frame or wood, as we witness the Serif latest addition to Samsung's home. The possibility of color dates from technological developments paints in recent years are infinite, now is the time to have the courage to take them in the life of every day, without fear of their millennial symbolic baggage.


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