Saturday 1 April 2017

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Industrie Lyon 2017 main topics

In over 15 years, INDUSTRIE Awards are considered as pioneers of innovation, products, solutions and services, reco­gnized by the industry and journalists. Their fame surpassed the French borders thanks to the presence of fifty companies, of all sizes and of all nationalities in all areas which are part of the hall of fame.

• Sustainability co-efficiency: goods and services to gradually reduce environmental impacts by considering the well-being of users (eco-design, energy saving, ergonomics, human/ma­chine interface ...)
• Digital tools: digital solutions to optimize industrial produc­tion: hand tools, software, cloud, connected objects, big data, information flow ... or any other solutions in common with the “Industry of the Future” program.
• Industrial Performance: Highlights solutions to improve com­petitiveness (costs), adapting to market demands (responsive­ness and timeframes), ensuring customer satisfaction (quality), and establishing sustainable profitability (productivity).
• New technologies Solutions (drawn from R&D, digital so­lutions, other manufacturing sectors...) to create, develop, or improve a product, solution, or service for manufacturing pro­duction.

The nominees are selected in the 4 categories during several rounds of meetings of the expert panel consisting of manufac­turers and the specialized press. The winners will be revealed during Industrie Thropheé Innovation night (4th April 2017).


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