Monday 20 February 2017

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The zero impact home: zero energy, zero emissions

Wood carpentry’s world has suffered in recent years a profound change, witnessed by Marlegno, a company located in Bolgare, Bergamo. Due to housing crisis and skills acquired in the activity’s first years, the company’s orientation has completely changed, passing from roofs and floors construction to "zero impact” turn-key solutions.

Changing the business model has not been easy for Marlegno: from a loyal and steady customer as a business can be, they have switched to privates, which make unique projects with a comprehensive service. Domestic production of various wooden components is the distinguishing feature of this company, which also allows controlling the entire production process, to ensure the final customer a quality product and with specific guarantees. The company has continued this path involving high-profile trainers to achieve highly specialized meetings addressed to professionals, designers and architects. In addition, the technical department has designed, tested and produced a new construction system in timber carrier, Tavego®: a dry system that does not require synthetic adhesives, but exclusively wood or metal connections.


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