Friday 17 February 2017

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Forecast for the furnishings sector in Italy and worldwide in 2017

The 34th edition of CSIL’s Forecast Seminar took place in Milan on 25 November 2016 to present its two latest Reports: World Furniture Outlook 2017 and Forecast Report for the Furniture Sec­tor in Italy, 2017-2019. There was a panel of ten speakers and a qualified audience of representatives from the universe of enter­prises, associations, public and private institutions, fairs, universi­ties, operators from the furniture-furnishings sector, economists and the specialist press.

In the first part of the Seminar Sara Colautti, director for Industry and Country Studies at CSIL, presented forecasts for the furniture sector in 2016 and for the global scenario on the markets studied in the two reports. The second part of the CSIL event was dedicated to a Focus Group on the topic: ‘From the digital factory to the intelligent city. Creativity and technology in the fourth industrial revolution’. A pa­nel of speakers from the business, associational, institutional and academic worlds came together to discuss this subject, which is an important challenge for the future that is already here. The Seminar, held in the Sala Orlando of the headquarters of Confcommercio at 47 Corso Venezia, Milan, was made possible thanks to the collaboration of Federmobili and to the support of the sponsors: Feneal-Uil, Filca-Cisl, Fillea-Cgil, Fulgor Milano, Hannover Fairs, IVM Chemicals and Messe Frankfurt Italia.


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