Friday 17 February 2017

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Building with wood: excellent opportunities for those interested in eco-friendly construction

The building trade was hit hard by the crisis long before the recession, but there is growth in the building trade’s segment that uses wood. The phenomenon is worth considering as it is more than just a trend; it is a healthy, cheap and eco-friendly way of living. Wood offers comfort, significant energy savings, fast construction times and also other technical and aesthetic reasons which will be described at the 10th edition of Legno&Edilizia in Verona Trade fair, from 9 to 12 February 2017, which will add meetings and insights to the exhibition.

The participation of leading international industries manufacturing woodworking machines at the international trade fair is of particular importance, and these include: CM Macchine, Essetre, Hundegger, the SCM Group and Sarmax, clear proof of the increase in the last two years in the level of interest from operators both in Europe and abroad, as the 20,000 visitors to the last edition show. This makes Legno&Edilizia a great chance for operators in the sector and final users to meet and discuss the great opportunities offered by wood, and it is also a fine chance for traditional builders to convert wood, as it is an interesting business opportunity. This is also true because it can no longer be said that this construction method is a niche market; in Italy six out of every 100 new homes are made of wood.


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