Saturday 18 February 2017

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Very positive signals for the furniture industry at SICAM 2016, a benchmark once again

The four days of of Sicam in Pordenone has been a hard work for all the operators who, from 102 countries (a record for the event), crowded the pavilions and brought a business and new planning air among the stands. The visiting companies were over 7000, for the 64% Italian and for the 36% worldwide. The internationality of the trade fair grows even more, making it the “Made in Italy Ambassador”, but above all, the most important event in the global exhibition calendar for the furniture components and accessories industry. 

Were confirmed both the attraction and the value in terms of exhibition business relationship: to confirm it, there are the same reservations already collected for the 2017 edition. And it is the international market himself which requires the date in Pordenone, where every year meet the sale managers and the designers to choose the most innovative components and define the next season furniture trends in the five continents. Sicam 2016 represented therefore another demonstration of the importance for the accessories and components companies to rely every year on a date intended to open always new opportunities and markets.


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