Tuesday 14 March 2017

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Coating of plastics: conductive water-based coatings of carbon nanotubes

The results of the studies carried on by researchers from Milano’s Politecnico on carbon nanotubes and their industrialization, coordinated by Massimiliano Bestetti, have originated activities related to their application in the production of conductive primers for electrostatic coating of plastic products. Thanks to the chemical functionalization of carbon nanotubes, it has been obtained a conductive coating without using any specific technology for the preparation of dispersion of the film applied. The characteristics of the carbon nanotubes, precisely hybridization and aspect ratio, are perfectly preserved, which gave an even spread of various thicknesses.

The Caldart Vernici laboratory’s technicians have participated in the research, the first Italian coating manufacturer capable of producing a water-based primer suitable for any type of plastic polymer. This result has been obtained thanks to the collaboration of Amalia Sironi, lecturer and researcher at Milano’s Politecnico, and Luca Ghizzardi of Vernicia­ture Bresciane, who is following in his Carbon Nanotechnologies laboratory the possible industrialization of other coating products with this base. The research and all the product features were presented at the Nanotechnologies 2016 conference held in last year’s November.