Wednesday, 21 December 2016

Competence and organization for an efficient and quality powder coating service

Competence and organization are two rewarding factors for 
third parties’ painters: we discussed about it with  
Marco Borgolotto, manager at Colorema, a company with two 
locations, the headquarters in Canzo (province of Como), 
and the “branch” in Calco (province of Lecco), within the 
client company of which is a service provider.

“Our company is an historic company of Como’s area: 
steadily growing, the relocation was a challenge that we
have taken thanks to the trust of our customer, who as the 
production site in Calco, which required a quality service 
tailored to the company's production times. The decision 
to install a new plant comes from the fact that we have 
seen increasing the number of trips from Calco to Canzo 
and vice versa, a problem that over time had become 
unmanageable and economically unsustainable. 
Thanks to the valuable advice of Pier Luigi Vertova, 
Ripol’s local agent, the one who provides us with powder 
coatings, we built the new production center and at the 
same time we have implemented the branch’s plant in Cantù 
in order to maintain our painted product’s quality”.
The "delocalized" expansion is very interesting: the client company, Satech Safety Technology, that operates in security arrangements for plants, decided to delegate all the finishing process to a subcontractor located in the same production area: flexibility, production time’s adaptation, constant control, logistics efficiency and competence are the reasons for this choice. Forms of close cooperation between customer and contractor as this one are not unusual: for example, it is quite common in overall automotive industry’s context (see VI 524/2011), less common in other sectors.

Friday, 28 October 2016

Vernici all'avanguardia per svariate applicazioni

Arsonsisi sviluppa e produce vernici indurenti con raggi UV denominate “UVcolor”, in
grado di soddisfare le più svariate esigenze nella verniciatura industriale di materiali
plastici, metallici e supporti speciali quali vetro e ceramica. Questi prodotti trovano largo
impiego soprattutto nella finitura di confezioni e packaging nel settore della cosmetica,
della profumeria e della cura del corpo. Le vernici a indurimento UV rispettano
maggiormente l’ambiente e rappresentano la miglior soluzione per ridurre i tempi di
produzione e ottenere un livello qualitativo molto elevato, vantaggioso anche dal punto di
vista economico. Arsonsisi offre vernici liquide UV al 100% di residuo secco, adatte a
diversi tipi di applicazione tra cui metallizzazione in alto vuoto, PVD/Sputtering e vernici
UV ibride “Dual Cure” a reticolazione mista calore – UV per oggetti tridimensionali
complessi. L’azienda ha messo a punto una vasta gamma di finiture lucide e opache
applicabili a rullo, spruzzo, velo e flow coating. Arsonsisi dispone inoltre della tecnologia e
del know-how per sviluppare vernici in polvere UV.

Monday, 17 October 2016

Convegno Nanotecnologie 2016

Nanotecnologie 2016
pretrattamento metallico

Il tradizionale appuntamento con il convegno sulle nanotecnologie si rinnova al Politecnico di Milano, a conferma che il settore conosce continuamente innovazioni e sviluppi. Anche quest’anno, docenti dell’ateneo milanese e specialisti dell’industria presenteranno il panorama odierno delle risorse nanotecnologiche disponibili, in termini di trattamenti di materiali come l’alluminio e il magnesio; di processi mirati pre-cataforesi; di sostituzione dei fosfosgrassanti; di sistemi applicativi tramite nebulizzazione e altri mezzi.
Le innovazioni recentissime riguardanti l’utilizzo concreto di vernici a base di nanotubi di carbonio e di un metodo di controllo corrosivo, in sole 24 ore, di vernici applicate, chiudono la 16^ edizione di Nanotecnologie al Politecnico di Milano.

17 Novembre - ore 14.00
Dipartimento di chimica
Sede di Piazza Leonardo da Vinci, 32
Milano (MI)

Il programma:
ore 14.00 Registrazione dei partecipanti
ore 14.30 Introduzione
        Danilo O. Malavolti, Presidente Anver
ore 14.50 Nanotecnologie per linee corte e non solo:
         qualità superiore e sostenibile
  Pierluigi Cerioli, Gianenrico Bianchi, Henkel Italia
ore 15.10 Thin film technology:
         l’evoluzione nel pretrattamento delle superfici
         Andrea Monti, Chemetall Italia
ore 15.30 Pretrattamento nanotecnologico per alte temperature e vernici UHT
        Andrè Bernasconi, Dollmar
ore 15.50 Nuovo processo di pretrattamento metallico monofase
         applicato ad immersione, in cabina a scatti o in tunnel in continuo
                Carlo Guidetti, Chemtec
ore 16.10 Vernici conduttive all’acqua a base di nanotubi di carbonio
                 Luca Ghizzardi, Verniciature Bresciane e Carbon Nanotechnologies  
                      Paolo Marchesi, Caldart 
      Massimiliano Bestetti, Maurizio Galimberti e Annalisa Sironi, Politecnico di Milano
ore 16.30 Le nanotecnologie di pretrattamento alla verniciatura di nastri metallici
        Ciro Sinagra, Laminazione sottile
ore 16.50 Il metodo Acet (norma ISO 17.463) per prova di resistenza alla corrosione di pitture,
                vernici e cicli vernicianti in sole 24 ore rispetto alle migliaia di ore in nebbia salina
Gianmaria Gasperini, Innovhub SSOG

Modalità di partecipazione:
Per partecipare al convegno “Nanotecnologie 2016” è necessario preregistrarsi inviando una mail a
entro e non oltre il giorno 15/11/16

Friday, 30 September 2016

Caber Impianti festeggia 40 anni

Caber Impianti, azienda di Carate Brianza (MB), specializzata nella produzione di impianti di lavaggio industriale di minuterie e particolari metallici, nasce nel 1976 dallo spirito imprenditoriale di Angelo Bergamini. Da sempre attenti alle tecnologie a basso impatto ambientale, Caber Impianti è in grado di fornire macchine per la pulizia dei metalli di tutti i generi e per tutte le quantità di produzione; infatti, l’esperienza pluridecennale nel settore consente all'azienda di fornire la giusta soluzione ad ogni problema. Premiata negli anni tra le aziende che si sono distinte nella categoria Made in Italy nel mondo, quest’anno festeggia 40 anni durante una serata insieme a collaboratori, clienti e amici.

Thursday, 29 September 2016

Where are water-based coatings gone?

A good question, which is difficult to answer in a comprehensive way.

On one hand, we could say that the industrial world and the new global economic conception is going in the direction of reducing costs (and pollution is a cost, indeed), improving the workers’ living conditions (even if in current water-based coatings there is a certain amount of solvent, it is undeniable that they are less toxic) and consumers’ living condition (the "indoor" emissions are virtually nil), improving material performance (almost 100% of water-based paints are used for frames painting and, consequently, they have excellent resistance "even" outside where the stresses are definitely superior to internal ones), in our “explorations” looking for virtuous companies we often stumble in organizations resigned in using traditional solvent-based paints.

The most common answer that is given by those working in this field is always the same: “I would like to use them, but they dry with more difficulty, and it is necessary to pay more attention in the preparation of the substrate, and furthermore they are more expensive”.

Is it true that water-based coating’s technology – which has been produced since the late sixties of the last century… - has not solved those problems? I don’t think so. After all there are companies that produce wood paintings – practically – only water-based, and with a recognized high quality. Unfortunately, not the Italian ones: some of them which started “in the right way”, but then they backtracked, except a couple of exemplary companies, which truly believe in a future of low environmental impact paints, starting from their sellers (at least those who we know) first ones to promote these products to users.

DRYING: Everyone assume that water-based coatings dry very slowly, slower than the solvent-based ones, without knowing that the water, with the help of some co-solvents in small quantities, forms "azeotropic" solutions that evaporate at water’s temperature (100° C), faster than toluolo (111° C), so that “hydro” paints dry out faster: seeing is believing.

SUBSTRATE PREPARATION: We talk a lot about quality, but we haven’t yet taken for granted that quality starts from smoothing, pre-treatment, in conclusion from substrate preparation?
COSTS: It is trivially a matter of market functioning, considering that if there was a greater demand, raw materials would reduce their cost and, consequently, also paints. Anyway, not to pollute is already a way to reduce costs (health care, waste, diluents, and so on).

Finally, without giving due consideration to other “defects” reported by detractors as, for example, the need to have a heated warehouse. Progress needs a healthy “natural selection”; having adequate production systems – not only plants, but also business organisation and work-condition’s respect – are essential conditions for companies’ survival.

Saturday, 3 September 2016

The safety's colors

The aesthetic concept represents a growing demand even when it comes to primarily functional products as are, for example, the passive protection solutions
such as grilles and security shutters.
In a market where making a difference means offering a diversified and quality service, the winning road ahead is the innovation and synergy between skills’ one.
This is the operating logic adopted by the Erreci Security, in Lodi's province, certified and patented in Europe security systems’ manufacturer, which has chosen Ripol as a partner as well as supplier of powder coated products, to look for overall innovative and propositive solutions, starting from the individual customer’s request.
“Ripol is a company with multiple added values – says Alfredo Rizzi, Erreci Security’s owner.
Among those who we appreciate the most there are environmental awareness, attention to safety at work and the thoroughness with which it undertakes to establish a partnership with the customer, besides of course the products’ quality, which all conform to UNI EN ISO 9001 (2000).
Ripol is able to establish the correct communication channel
both inside and outside the company: they undertake to respond promptly to various customer needs, pursuing a policy of constant improvement, ad we also do indeed”.
Erreci Security is a dynamic business that has been able to enrich of project contents
a much felt need in our days: house protection and security.

Powder painting, in this case, in addition to corrosion protection of metal grates, also has an aesthetic function studied both to integrate with the buildings’ style and to propose solutions that give value to the technical closures, choice made easier by the customer service that Ripol ensures with the study of necessary colors and delivery in quick times.

Thursday, 1 September 2016

Giovanni Bellei, Italy’s honorary consul, receives a delegation of Italian entrepreneurs and technicians

Giovanni Bellei, knight of work, honorary consul in Italy for the further economic development states in Mexico (Hidalgo, Léon, Querétaro, San Luis Potosì), presided over a breakfast meeting with a group of Italian entrepreneurs and technicians of the surfaces tre­atments industry, organized and offered by Anver, in Mexico.

The topic of the meeting was the opportunity which the big North American country offers to the companies that deal with surfaces tre­atments. Giovanni Bellei has a professional experience of over 30 years in Mexico. Over these years, he drove big Italian groups to success (Maccaferri group, for example), and dozens of medium and small-sized companies in their programs of installation and growth on the Mexican market. The knight, in addition to the institutional work volun­tarily offered to Italy through the consular office, is general director and president of several companies in the renewable energy industry, in the real estate one and he is also partner of many other manufacturing companies which he supported for the settlement in the zones within his mission. He made available to the attendees his knowledges and the consular office ones in order to support the programs of the com­panies interested in expand their own affairs in the market of Mexico, a big country with one of the highest rate of activities increase.

Decoration workshop

The decoration workshops were born in 2012 to meet the need to achieve finished product with in­creasingly high level in order to guarantee our customers an always higher quality. Decoration process in Sice Pre­vit Company goes from classical finish of the furnishings up to innovative wall finishes which follow contemporary trends, as well as the customers’ stylistic needs. The team consists of seven decorators, each one with his specific and highly professional skills. This close-knit team is the real resource of this department. The passion that cha­racterizes our decorators and their different backgrounds allow having a greater creative capacity thus giving an ad­ded value to the entire productive process… 

continue reading

Tuesday, 2 August 2016

The Tyranny of the Time by Patricia Malavolti

Let us resume a critical topic for coatings in architecture (and also in industrial design): which materials, how to use them, the relationship between the real material and its mimicry.
Architecture and design – that means the project - must always deal with time: in fact time is the variable that requires control. The main purpose of the coatings consists of  protecting materials with a"waterproofing" layer in order to not let deteriorate them, not only in terms of appearance but, and above all, in terms of  mechanical and functional characteristics. So we do not coat the materials just to give sensations but also to find the right balance between the naturalness of the material and the requirements connected to maintenance, cleaning, durability.

Everything is linked to time (and money): to prevent  materials’ deterioration the designer has to find the right coating that enhances the idea and allows its appropriate use. A choice that makes the difference.
Anyway coating is the last step of a process that involves more products and more players: the choice of the treatment and of the surface finishing cycle is essential to achieve the desired appearance. So it is not right to talk only about coating, but you need to know the whole process. The right process will lead to the best finish for the enhancement of the surface. Some "risky" design choices about finish reduce manufactured pieces’ lasting and caused an increase of costs for the maintenance of an adequate appearance over time, for the cleaning and for the functionality.
What does  time have ti do with the relationship between the "real" material and its mimicry? The link is due to the necessity to find the right compromise between the appearance of the material - especially when it is required in its natural appearance, for example by using  wood, or natural aluminium or oxidized iron - and the problems that these materials have without any protective coat: they get dirty, change the appearance and lose structural features - for example wood; they release on other materials their own residuals and they can not be cleaned - like Corten; they do not keep an acceptable appearance, or may be it is inherent in the production technology the difficulty of keeping  the same appearance, or in the process steps performed  in different times- as the anodized aluminium.
For this reason coating products which “imitate” materials or some finishing, in terms of aesthetical appearance, have been developed.
How can you deal with the problem without incurring the copy? The debate is open 

Friday, 29 July 2016

Waterborne UV curing coating for a 5 stars hotel: sustainability and high performances

Overlooking the Old City of Jerusalem, the five-star David Citadel Hotel of Alrov Group, designed in 1998 by Moshe Safdie, the Israeli architect naturalized Canadian winner of the AIA Gold Medal award, is the south side of the Mamilla Quarter, in front of the historic Valley Hinome, according to a
horseshoe plan. The outer covering is made of a rough local limestone, while the interior is covered with wood walls and wood false ceilings.
All common areas, 385 guestrooms and suites have been redesigned and spread over 8 floors of the
building, according to a design by the Italian Lissoni Associati who, by keeping the use of traditional
materials and colours complemented by other alternative ones treated in an original way, designed
the environment as a maze enhanced by the study of natural and artificial light, rich in vegetation.
A rich palette of colours, lights, textured fabrics, parts made of brass treated with different finishes joined with glasses printed on the back, with a central idea connected to the use of wood, oak for the
floor, the heat-treated eucalyptus for the walls and the furniture in the common areas and suites,
characterize and personalize all the areas, both public and the private ones of the rooms.

«The mood of each room is characterised by the prevalence of some "colours" - tells us Alessandro Simonato, manager of the office design of the Tino Sana company located in Almenno S. Bartolomeo (in the province Bergamo) who has been commissioned to manufacture all the furniture - especially the eucalyptus heat-treated dark wood, iron or burnished brass, and the "Mondrian effect" obtained with surfaces made of brass treated  in different ways, mirrors, glasses printed on the back».

Belonging to an international luxury hotel chain with high quality and surface resistance requirements
suggested Tino Sana design office to choose carefully materials and finishes.
«In the rooms – goes on Simonato – we chose, instead of heat-treated eucalyptus wood, some veneered panels with pre-dyed wood coated with waterborne UV curing paints, for "coarse", visual effect so as to enhance the matt wood».
Thanks to the cooperation of Elia Maestroni, Key Account Manager of IVM Chemicals company and the technical support of the R&D laboratory, it has been developed a coating cycle that allows to reach a surface resistance comparable to other non-wood finishes, which is an essential feature for hotel furnishing of a hotel, of course, that is subjected to large mechanical stresses and to the use of detergents for cleaning.

Continue reading

Thursday, 28 July 2016

Wooden floors: natural unevenesses for a sustainable product

The presence on the market of materials
alternative to wood that reproduce its aesthetic
appearance  has changed the perception of the
consumer, which tends to ask for  floors with  large
sizes  or “herringbone” recovering the idea of
the floors "nailed down" of the past and with natural
For durability and surface resistance requirements and
in order to make easier the maintenance, the market
actually includes almost only industrially treated
and coated floors that guarantee a stable quality.
Naturalness and old floors atmosphere: to meet these
trends, Tavar floors finish can be obtained also by

using dyed reagents, both traditional and waterborne.

Wednesday, 27 July 2016

A long sustainability’s path

There are big Italian companies, known all
over the world that, without prejudices, did
something in –depth  and compared with the
territory that goes on over time despite the crisis
periods, the production changes, the normal difficulties
that are part of the “undertake”.
Since seventy years Snaidero, located in Majano, in the
province of Udine, manufactures kitchens by applying
its own tradition and experience in the technological
research and innovation. The company has moved from
the original idea to produce kitchens by using serial
concepts -are an inspiration the “American kitchens”- to
the current “smart kitchen” - the English
word “smart” includes different shades of the concept:
elegance and attractiveness, creative and reactive
intelligence - able to give intelligent solutions, really
flexible, very competitive in term of costs, at the same
time, with a high quality level; these latter features
typical of Made in Italy excellence, that can be seen in the
success of foreign market (essentially American but also
English, Turkish and of the Far East), which accounts for
50% of the annual turnover, complementary to the other
50 of national market. But the philosophy which is the
guiding principle for the company’s productive choices is
still the man, both as buyer and worker. The attention for
these areas took Snaidero 10 years ago to install a plant
able to coat with waterborne products and to choose for
a large part of production, low environmental impact
coatings (high solid UV, for example) and UV waterborne

Tuesday, 26 July 2016

Harps: artisanal historical masterpieces, waterborne coated by a cutting-edge plant

It is true that an instrument intended for high-level
professional performances, under the judgment of
an expert public, it must guarantee first of all that
the instrument has been built in order to avoid any
inappropriate sounds, but all the productive processes
we visited all even the less important, are so refined, to
understand what means a “Salvi harp”.
We ask Gabriele Dutto, manager of the company
together with we visited the company, if the coating
process of the instrument has only an aesthetic

function; he answered that: «the soundboard,
due to strings’tension- it can reach a carrying capacity
of 1200 kg-tends to deform, even if the parts needed to
built are stored in a well-ventilated and heated room
for about 4 months. For this reason coating in
addition to meet high aesthetic requirements, must be
elastic so that it absorbs the dimensional changes of
the instrument and will not “break” the film».
In brief: all the instrument components are prepared
in the joinery then they area pre-assembled creating
a “raw harp” (as we call it), whose validity is carefully
checked in order to guarantee the right functioning
(the assembly of the various components is so perfect,
that at the end it looks like a unique item).
All the components are then disassembled and coated,
to be next assembled again to built the “definite harp”, at
least in terms of structure, not yet tested in its primary
function, the sound production: the specialists of the
company (harp tuners and harpists), must do it later.

Monday, 25 July 2016

Long lasting and high quality level powder coatings for a leader company in the “contract” furniture industry

«Each product must have a reason to exist.
This in the truth that emerges from the
selection of exemplary products which
represent best the success that Segis has realized».
This expression, quoted in Segis website, an Italian
company located in Poggibonsi in the province of Siena, a company leader in design and manufacturing
of innovative and high quality level seating for contract industry, describes exactly the company’s philosophy: to manufacture what can be useful to the market, paying attention to the
strictest International quality standard, looking for
the best materials, finishes and focusing the whole
productive process on a manufacturing in accordance
with the environmental sustainability principles.
Everything reflects Franco Dominici’s thoughts, creator
and founder of the company in 1983 and today in the

company together with his son Francesco.

Friday, 22 July 2016

Tradition, high technology, quality and design in kitchen

Quality furniture requires an appropriate coating,
which meets at the same time, protection and aesthetic
needs, especially now when architects and designers
are increasingly directed towards the use of material
“as it is”.
«We need always more to use “natural effect” coatings
–tells us Nicola Stangherlin architect.
In particular for Minà collection, which includes
modern kitchens (island or wall), which remember the
industrial style ones (with for example many details
made of cast-iron); we needed finishes reproducing
the iron effect (corten, oxidation in its
different shades, zinc).
The coatings’ role is essential: they do not only
reproduce materials, but the effects too, in addition to
have aesthetic and protective functions».

Continue reading

Thursday, 21 July 2016

A material surface for the facade of the University of Hertfordshire’s Science Building

The Science Building, on the one hand, fully expresses its function through a maximum reduction of
the elements, while on the other, the choice of an ‘emotional’ coating, linked to materials that resonate with revisited local traditions, addressing the facade’s theme with suggestive implications. The building’s ‘skin’ - with the exclusion of the north wall - is composed of a double facade whose external part is composed of rectangular modules of drilled metal panels, which, in addition to acting as solar shades, create a ‘waved’ effect thanks to the disposition “open/close“ of the rectangular panels. The internal wrapper is a glass parallelepiped with exposed steel stringcourses.

The southwest corner marks the entrance, obtained by a hollowing out both the parallelepiped in bottom half as well as the top half, in which a symbolic tree will be placed.
The characteristic coating of the drilled metal panels is obtained with a special powder coating- Patina collection by Adapta Color, based in Pensicola, Spain, color Turquoise Cooper - accentuates the facades dynamic ‘wave’ effect which varies with the incidence of the light and the perspective of the observer. The bicolor effect obtained is very ‘material’ as it creatively reproduces oxidized copper.
The low environmental impact powder coating creates a suggestive effect, which would otherwise be difficult to achieve, except and at an extremely high cost, using copper, the inspired material.

Wednesday, 20 July 2016

Organic or inorganic “Patina”?

In some areas of Southern Europe among architects is widespread a material launched in the 30s b y
the United States Steel Corporation, patented under the name Cor-Ten (originally, a low alloy steel with 0.2 -0.5 % copper, 0.5-1.5% chromium and 0.1-0.2% phosphorus).
Born as a material able to self-protect from electrochemical corrosion, it changed over the years, in order to obtain good structural properties (yield strength up to 580 MPa), both characteristics that
have convinced many designers to use it, for example, for bridges’ building, first in the United States, then in Europe.
Recently architects committed to civil building urban design and other decorative applications began to use the Cor-Ten steel (in the United States, the different types available in the market are called
weathering steels) both for the belief of using a high strength material and without maintenance, and for its aesthetic appearance, regarded as the result of a “natural” aging and thus inherently “real” or “true”, and not artificially produced or modified by man as some industrial processes for surface decoration. 
Unfortunately, some of these features are more the result of a well-designed communication rather than the result of the analysis of objective figures.

Continue reading

Wednesday, 22 June 2016

Success at the conference on submarine Toti’s anti-corrosion repair

On June 16 it was held a conference about submarine Toti’s anti-corrosion repair at the Science and Technology’s Museum "Leonardo da Vinci" in Milan, with the participation of more than 70 attendees.
Marco Edoardo Minoja, Ministry of Cultural Heritage and Activities of the Lombardy Region’s regional manager, and other qualified speakers as Giuseppe Distefano, Museum Resources’ Director,
Marco Iezzi, Museum of the Department of Transportation’s Curator, Marianna Cappellina, Museum’s restorer (Layers) and advisor, and
Laura Ronzon, Museum of Historical Heritage’s Director,
attended the conference.

Here you can find all the technicians and companies that, with great civic dedication, have contributed actively and for free to the restoration, coordinated by Angela Borelli, Museum’s Technical Director.
They have presented the methods, products and innovative technologies that have been used to bring the submarine to the optimal conditions for being visited by the 400 thousand annual visitors of this important Italian historical heritage.

The roundtable was moderated by Danilo O. Malavolti, ANVER’s President – Industrial Painters Association, Museum’s technical partner

Vincenzo Festinante and Vincenzo Virone, anti- corrosion Inspectors and Directors of preparation and painting operations;
Gerardo LamestaNTAhydrodynamic clearing;
Roberto Pietrobon, Jotun, paint products;
Marco Corbelli, Covesa, painting company.

To deepen these themes, please read the next issue of Anticorrosione, available at the end of September 2016.

Monday, 6 June 2016

Great success of the EVENT “CROMATERIA” BY SIRCA during the Design Week in Milan

More than 3000 visits in 5 days and amazing me­dia impact with TV service on Sky Arte channel, the main National daily newspapers (Repubbli­ca, Corriere della Sera, II Giornale, Il Fatto Quotidiano), on historical magazines about design and architecture like Architectural Digest, DDN, Elle Decor: this is the re­sult of Cromateria event, a unique initiative in the coating industry that allows art and design to approach industrial world.
We interviewed Rosalba Busso, Sirca Company Retail, Sales & Marketing Director.

VDL –You lead the event on your own involving the whole com­pany and all your customers too: let’s tell how Sirca company experienced it.
Rosalba Busso - It was a very important design, very sa­tisfying for Sirca and its customers: an idea immediately shared by Vice-president Maurizio Durante and all ma­nagement.
Such a challenging design needs patience, communica­tion strategy and a great focusing on the final purpose which was that of bringing Sirca coating products in an unknown area, that is design and architectural industry

VDL – People could see various installations manufactured with different material: in this way we can understand that Sirca company is one of the few Italian enterprises with coating products suitable for all surfaces.
RB - When I talk about Sirca coatings I refer to “one Com­pany” concept: we supply to our customers coating pro­ducts for wood, metal and plastic surfaces, resins and adhesives; this is the reason why we are different from other companies and we will work along these lines.
After all any work, regardless the material with which is manufactured, needs to be coated, but often during the planning phase coatings, solvents adhesives and polymers are not considered, with obvious consequen­ces. Designers and manufacturers must talk together; li­sten to both demands, to know each other and to renew accordingly,
This is the meaning of Cromateria.

VDL – Why did you choose Museo Diocesano di Milano?

RB - We chose Museo Diocesano di Milano because it is a place full of art, culture and beauty, it is the right frame to hold all those who are hungry of knowledge, and the design week is the right contest to talk about these topics.

VDL –Sirca has been the first manufacturing company of indu­strial coatings which follows an artistic path during the design week and the great news has been the involvement of its own customers to manufacture the installations.
RB –It is the first time that a coating manufacturing com­pany becomes the only contractor of a system consi­sting of :location, sponsor, designer, video mapping studio, meeting for architects…all Cromateria actors are chosen and coordinated by Sirca.
It has been a pleasure to read how Sirca –Cromateria has been considered the main event for the Design week in Milan among thousands of events and shows organised during the same days

We must thank Denios, Ferretti & Ferretti, Derthona Ser­ramenti, Falegnameria Biffi e Stil&Ma, Sirca company partners who participated in the project and have been able to manufacture perfectly the single installation co­ated with certified products, creating colours effects between art and industrial production.
VDL – Cromateria event started softly and soon got its stride during the design week. Which are the main reasons? Do you think that Sirca initiative will have a follow-up?
RB - It was not easy to coordinate such a complex project but finally right ideas, care to details and a great enthu­siastic involvement of all “authorised personnel” lead to success.
Sirca will go on with Cromateria path: for example thanks to an important partnership with Ordine degli Architetti di Monza e Brianza, some training course will start soon at “Sirca Academy” room.
Furthermore we are still sponsoring “Serate di Architet­tura al Belvedere”at Villa Reale in Monza: the show is part of the initiative XXI Triennale Esposizione Interna­zionale Milano 2016.

Where art is Sirca is there: at least we hope!

VDL - Verniciatura del Legno Intervista Rosalba Busso, Retali, Sales e Marketing Director di Sirca