Caber Impianti, azienda di Carate Brianza (MB), specializzata nella produzione di impianti di lavaggio industriale di minuterie e particolari metallici, nasce nel 1976 dallo spirito imprenditoriale di Angelo Bergamini. Da sempre attenti alle tecnologie a basso impatto ambientale, Caber Impianti è in grado di fornire macchine per la pulizia dei metalli di tutti i generi e per tutte le quantità di produzione; infatti, l’esperienza pluridecennale nel settore consente all'azienda di fornire la giusta soluzione ad ogni problema. Premiata negli anni tra le aziende che si sono distinte nella categoria Made in Italy nel mondo, quest’anno festeggia 40 anni durante una serata insieme a collaboratori, clienti e amici.
Friday, 30 September 2016
Caber Impianti festeggia 40 anni
Caber Impianti, azienda di Carate Brianza (MB), specializzata nella produzione di impianti di lavaggio industriale di minuterie e particolari metallici, nasce nel 1976 dallo spirito imprenditoriale di Angelo Bergamini. Da sempre attenti alle tecnologie a basso impatto ambientale, Caber Impianti è in grado di fornire macchine per la pulizia dei metalli di tutti i generi e per tutte le quantità di produzione; infatti, l’esperienza pluridecennale nel settore consente all'azienda di fornire la giusta soluzione ad ogni problema. Premiata negli anni tra le aziende che si sono distinte nella categoria Made in Italy nel mondo, quest’anno festeggia 40 anni durante una serata insieme a collaboratori, clienti e amici.
Thursday, 29 September 2016
Where are water-based coatings gone?
A good question, which is difficult to answer in a comprehensive way.
On one hand, we could say that the industrial world and the new global
economic conception is going in the direction of reducing costs (and pollution
is a cost, indeed), improving the workers’ living conditions (even if in current
water-based coatings there is a certain amount of solvent, it is undeniable
that they are less toxic) and consumers’ living condition (the
"indoor" emissions are virtually nil), improving material performance
(almost 100% of water-based paints are used for frames painting and,
consequently, they have excellent resistance "even" outside where the
stresses are definitely superior to internal ones), in our “explorations” looking
for virtuous companies we often stumble in organizations resigned in using
traditional solvent-based paints.
The most common answer that is given by those working in this field is
always the same: “I would like to use them, but they dry with more difficulty,
and it is necessary to pay more attention in the preparation of the substrate,
and furthermore they are more expensive”.
Is it true that water-based coating’s technology – which has been
produced since the late sixties of the last century… - has not solved those
problems? I don’t think so. After all there are companies that produce wood
paintings – practically – only water-based, and with a recognized high quality.
Unfortunately, not the Italian ones: some of them which started “in the right
way”, but then they backtracked, except a couple of exemplary companies, which
truly believe in a future of low environmental impact paints, starting from
their sellers (at least those who we know) first ones to promote these products
to users.
DRYING: Everyone assume that water-based coatings dry very slowly,
slower than the solvent-based ones, without knowing that the water, with the
help of some co-solvents in small quantities, forms "azeotropic"
solutions that evaporate at water’s temperature (100° C), faster than toluolo
(111° C), so that “hydro” paints dry out faster: seeing is believing.
SUBSTRATE PREPARATION: We talk a lot about quality, but we haven’t yet
taken for granted that quality starts from smoothing, pre-treatment, in
conclusion from substrate preparation?
COSTS: It is trivially a matter of market functioning, considering that if
there was a greater demand, raw materials would reduce their cost and,
consequently, also paints. Anyway, not to pollute is already a way to reduce
costs (health care, waste, diluents, and so on).
Tuesday, 20 September 2016
Thursday, 15 September 2016
Tuesday, 13 September 2016
Monday, 12 September 2016
Friday, 9 September 2016
Thursday, 8 September 2016
Wednesday, 7 September 2016
Tuesday, 6 September 2016
Monday, 5 September 2016
Saturday, 3 September 2016
The safety's colors

The aesthetic concept represents a growing demand even when it comes to primarily functional products as
are, for example, the passive protection solutions
such as grilles and security shutters.
In a market where making a difference means offering a diversified and
quality service, the winning road ahead is the innovation and synergy between skills’ one.
This is the operating logic adopted by the Erreci Security, in Lodi 's province, certified and patented in Europe security systems’ manufacturer, which has chosen
Ripol as a partner as well as supplier of powder coated products, to look for overall
innovative and propositive solutions, starting from the individual customer’s
“Ripol is a company with multiple added values – says Alfredo Rizzi, Erreci
Security’s owner.
Among those who we appreciate the most there are environmental awareness, attention to safety
at work and the thoroughness with which it undertakes to establish a partnership with the customer, besides of course
the products’ quality, which all conform to UNI EN ISO 9001 (2000).
Ripol is able to establish the correct communication channel
both inside and outside the company: they undertake to respond
promptly to various customer needs, pursuing a policy of constant improvement, ad
we also do indeed”.
Erreci Security is a dynamic business that has been able to enrich of
project contents
a much felt need in our days: house protection and security.
a much felt need in our days: house protection and security.
Powder painting, in this case, in addition to corrosion protection of metal
grates, also has an aesthetic function studied both to integrate with the buildings’
style and to propose solutions that give value to the technical closures, choice
made easier by the customer service that Ripol ensures with the study of
necessary colors and delivery in quick times.
Friday, 2 September 2016
Thursday, 1 September 2016
Giovanni Bellei, Italy’s honorary consul, receives a delegation of Italian entrepreneurs and technicians
Giovanni Bellei, knight of work, honorary consul in
Italy for the further economic development states in Mexico (Hidalgo, Léon,
Querétaro, San Luis Potosì), presided over a breakfast meeting with a group of
Italian entrepreneurs and technicians of the surfaces treatments industry,
organized and offered by Anver, in Mexico.
The topic of the meeting was the opportunity which the
big North American country offers to the companies that deal with surfaces treatments.
Giovanni Bellei has a professional experience of over 30 years in Mexico . Over
these years, he drove big Italian groups to success (Maccaferri group, for
example), and dozens of medium and small-sized companies in their programs of
installation and growth on the Mexican market. The knight, in addition to the
institutional work voluntarily offered to Italy through the consular office,
is general director and president of several companies in the renewable energy
industry, in the real estate one and he is also partner of many other
manufacturing companies which he supported for the settlement in the zones
within his mission. He made available to the attendees his knowledges and the
consular office ones in order to support the programs of the companies
interested in expand their own affairs in the market of Mexico, a big country
with one of the highest rate of activities increase.
Decoration workshop

The decoration workshops were born in 2012 to meet the need to achieve
finished product with increasingly high level in order to guarantee our
customers an always higher quality. Decoration process in Sice Previt Company
goes from classical finish of the furnishings up to innovative wall finishes
which follow contemporary trends, as well as the customers’ stylistic needs.
The team consists of seven decorators, each one with his specific and highly
professional skills. This close-knit team is the real resource of this
department. The passion that characterizes our decorators and their different
backgrounds allow having a greater creative capacity thus giving an added
value to the entire productive process…
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