Wednesday, 28 March 2018

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Diversification and research for the construction of customized turnkey wooden structures

"Every single element is perfectly connected to the others, every need has a specific, precise solution".This is one of the maxims with which Legnostrutture of Villacidro, in the province of Cagliari defines his own activity. This is exactly what is perceived within the company, which is specialized in the construction of laminated wood structures, from the simplest piece to the most complex and committed to respond to the most varied technical requirements. and aesthetics.

 The factory was born in 2009 with the goal of proposing itself on the local market as a partner for the companies, differentiating immediately various aspects of their work compared to those of traditional carpentries and without seeking direct competition with them.

The other distinctive and fundamental feature of the company is surface treatment. Today Legnostrutture is able to offer a customized finished product, having a wide range of colors and effects developed over time to fall back on, also thanks to the collaboration with HDG .

As in many other companies, white wood impregnation presented some inconvenient problems, including yellowing. "Together with HDG we have succeeded in devising a product that solves this problem - Marco Murgia explains - and, from that moment on, we have had a substantial growth in the demand for white coatings".

Due to the excellent result, Legnostrutture and HDG have continued research on white coatings by studying the automatic application, another delicate point.  
"Another difficulty related to white coatings was precisely the application of this product with the impregnation machine - Enrico Bacchini continues -: risk of non-uniform penetration and requirement for manual processing (and therefore of an enormous work force). Together with Marco we have conducted a careful study aimed at enhancing the performance of the product, making it suitable for automatic application. We then followed the same path for other special and exclusive effects".


The material that arrives in the company is deposited in the warehouse and divided into lots, so as to maintain traceability. The cutting with numerically controlled machines is the first phase of the production process. Once cut, the material passes to the brushing cycle, or directly to the impregnation zone. In the presence of particular structural elements (knee beams, trusses and other), the piece goes through an intermediate phase of assembly.  
The application of the moietta is an essential step, because it allows to unequivocally identify the lot, which is finally placed at the exit.


"We attempt to provide our customers with an impeccable service," concludes Marco Murgia, "Making sure they receive the collaboration and technical support that are necessary to better carry out their projects. We focus a lot on technologies, innovation and product customization. And this also thanks to our partner, as well as supplier, HDG."


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