Friday 13 January 2017

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Apulian entrepreneursand the industry of coating

The Italian Apulia region boasts a long tradition in the industry of coating.

There are currently 26 large automated metal coating plants in activity, along with several other small, manual coating businesses. It was the presence of businesses such as MecMotor in Massafra that jumpstarted the development in this area; MecMotor’s owner, Giuseppe Montanaro, was one of the “Pioneers” of the industry of coating in Apulia, since he was one of the first to install an automated aluminum profile coating plant in the 80s. The work, willpower and tenacity of these pioneers contributed to the creation of this land of excellence in the industrial coating. 

This special release of Verniciatura industriale/Industrial Coating is about the industry of coating in Apulia, and it aims to report to our readers the way in which this industry relates to the current situation in Italy, and how it brings forth a surge of optimism, since our reporters have verified that a growth in production is possible, despite the fact that public investments are generally getting lower and lower.


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